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Health and Wellness Policy 

In the interest of promoting a safe and healthy environment for all dancers, please refrain from attending class if your dancer is experiencing symptoms such as fever, coughing, sore throat, or any other signs of contagious illness.  Prioritizing the well-being of our dancers and staff is important.  

If a dancer is unwell and unable to attend class, they are encouraged to notify the studio as soon as possible.  Additionally, we welcome students to schedule a makeup class at the appropriate level once they have fully recovered and are no longer contagious. 



Level placement for each dancer within our studio is carefully determined by our team of experienced instructors.  Prior to placement decisions, teachers are provided with specific level criteria to ensure a comprehensive understanding of each student’s abilities.  Students are placed in levels where they are believed to best flourish and grow in their dance training.  Factors considered include technical proficiency, physical capability, and readiness for progression to more advanced levels. 


Attendance & Time Commitment

It is extremely important for dancers to attend all their classes consistently. Consistency is what helps dancers excel in their training. Not attending will affect their training and along with their class once choreography is being set. While we understand life happens, it is important to communicate those events and remember that dance is a time commitment. Here are some examples of reasons for missing dance that are understandable:

-        Scheduled school programs or performances

-        Wedding or important family gathering

-        If you are feeling seriously ill or infectious

-        Death in the family

Dancers who have injured themselves and are unable to participate are still expected to come and observe their class(es).

***If a dancer misses 5 classes in the spring, their teacher and the studio director has the right to not allow them to perform in the recital. Missing that many classes would make it difficult for the teacher to choreograph the dance with the missing dancer as well as make it difficult for the dancer to do the choreography.

*Company members are expected to attend classes regularly and failing to do so may lead to dismissal from company.

Company dancers will have performances throughout the year, which is another large commitment. Please be aware of this before agreeing to be in company.



Being on time for dance class is extremely important. Teachers need to be able to start classes on time without interruptions of dancers coming in late. Dancers should come on time and be prepared for class.

***Dancers who are late must wait to be invited to join class by their teacher. They will pick the most appropriate time when it will not be a distraction.

If dancers have a class directly following another, they should go directly to the next class. The teacher should not have to come out into the lobby to gather the dancers to start class.


Courtesy & Respect

At In His Image Dance Studio, we prioritize creating a loving and Godly atmosphere where all dancers feel respected, supported, and uplifted.  To maintain this environment, we expect all dancers to adhere to the following guidelines:

Respect for teacher:

  • All Dancers must treat their teacher with utmost respect

  • There should be no talking while the teacher is giving instructions or during class demonstration

  • Please refrain from talking back or correcting your teacher or other students in class

Respect for Classmates:

  • Dancers must show respect towards their fellow classmates at all times

  • Negative comments or gossip about other dancers or teachers are strictly prohibited. Speaking negatively about another dancer or teacher will have logical consequences to follow.

“ do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3


“ Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11


  • It is a privilege to dance.  We expect our student to have a positive attitude in class and work hard.

  • Supportive behavior toward fellow dancers is encouraged 

“ So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it ALL for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

“ Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving” Colossians 3:23-24


These verses emphasize the importance of honoring and respecting authority figures, treating others with humility and encouragement, and maintaining a positive attitude in all circumstances.  They provide a solid foundation for fostering a respectful and uplifting atmosphere in the dance studio. 


Code of Conduct for Incorrect Behavior:

  1. Initial Reminder- If a dancer engages in behavior that disrupts the class or violates the courtesy and respect policy, the teacher will issue a verbal reminder, highlighting the inappropriate behavior and reminding the dancer of the studio’s expectations

  2. Temporary Removal from class- If the behavior persists, the teacher will discern whether the student will be allowed to continue for the day, sit and observe class or asked to leave in order to serve as a cooling-off or reflective period.

  3. Parent/Guardian conversation or meeting- Parents will be informed of behavior issues in class and if necessary and/or the behavior escalates, a meeting will be scheduled with the dancer, parent/guardian, instructor and director to discuss the situation, the studio’s expectations and the potential consequences if the behavior continues. 

  4. Suspension or Expulsion- in severe cases where the behavior significantly impacts the class environment or violates the studio’s values, the dancer may face suspension or expulsion from classes at in his image dance studio. 


Dress Attire & Hair

Hair should be up in a tight and neat bun. Coming into the studio, please wear clothes over your leotard and tights. Once in the studio, dancers should be in their assigned class attire. Correct shoes should be worn depending on the class.

**Older dancers: There should be no excuse that your mom forgot to put your dance shoes in your bag.



Have fun! Dance is a way to express your worship to the Lord. 

(850) 808-7099

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©2021 by In His Image Dance Studio

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